Fountains Forestry Long Term Forest Plan, sites 1-25 Northern Zone


site 1 Cod Beck  north of Osmotherley  UCR runs alongside and joins up bridleway at Scarth Nick   FP cuts through eastern part of plantation

site 2  Leighton Reservoir  UCR along northern edge and sw to Roundhill house

site 3 Scar House Plantation  No apparent rows

site 4  Bagwith west of Kirby Malzeard  fp from Kirk Bridge runs through the plantation and the Drift Road (b/w) runs along the eastern edge

site 5 Carlesmoor further west from Kirkby Malzeard b/w runs along the north edge of this plantation

site 6  Dallowgill west of Carlesmoor various tracks ? rows?

site 7  Lumley Moor Reservoir west of Grantley fp skirts woodland

site 8 Gouthwaite Reservoir  Nidderdale Way (b/w) along northern water edge and UCR along southern edge.  connecting track along dam row?

site 9 Grimwith Reservoir  no rights of way affected (check needed)

site 11 Thucross Reservoir fp along the n.w tongue towards Hoodstorth Lane

site 12 Blubberhouses fps run north west from Blubberhouses through the upper part of plantation and short fp towards Thucross Res.along Washburn River

site 13 Fewston Reservoir south of Blubberhouses  multiple fps and Bansky Dike road run through the north plantation and on the south there is fp through the plantation

site 14 Beecroft  fp runs through woodland

site 15  Wydra  no rights of way affected

site 16  Swinsty Reservoir south of Fewston  multiple fps running through plantation

site 17 Haverah Park fp through the north woodland

site 18 High Boar Hole nw of Beckwithshaw  site is south of Harrogate NMU link

site 19  Redhouse Ings  south of Beningbrough  b/w and fp through woodland

site 21 Timble Ings  no rows

site 22 Elslack Reservoir south west of Skipton several fps through plantation

site 23 Arthrington;  site 24 Eccup;  site 25  Graincliffe not our remit west Yorkshire


site 28 Brayton Barff (in the Midlands zone) west of Drayton south of fp